vrijdag 7 december 2012

De boodschap van Marta Benavides

Hieronder het krachtige bericht dat Marta Benavides (uit El Salvador) - lid van de Women and Gender Constituency - ons doorstuurde na het voltooien van onze protestactie. Ze is reeds 67, maar is een van de meest energieke, enthousiasmerende en inspirerende vrouwen van deze groep. Wie meer wilt weten over haar leven en activisme: ga naar deze website, en scroll naar onder.
"Very Dear sisters and brothers, this is to share pictures from the call to action that the women/gender caucus held today at COP 18. As people were coming in, we held signs to express our deep concern at the lack of action by "decision makers" that were sent here to NEGOTIATE, on issues related to climate change and Kyoto Protocol.

 [...] What do we come to do? Is it to accompany the process or to accompany and advocate for the people and the care of the planet? Do we have this clear? How do we measure our work? I know that in my case I am to walk with the people, and thus, I must walk the process to respond to their needs. This is a matter of quality of life, and there cannot be well being if the planet cannot continue to take care of us. [...] The tck, tck tck is going and going against life in this dear blue planet. When will our ambition be satisfied?

 Time has gone by, and nothing really can be said has been accomplished for the well being of peoples, today's generations and the future ones, nor for the urgent care of the planet. And this is not the results of this COP 18 [...] and still they are "NEGOTIATING", "NEGOTIATING", and here they are talking to have COP 19 in Poland next year, never mind if the country meets the commitments for life of peoples and care of the planet. This might seem redundant language to some, and even disrespectful, and some argue that at least we have educated people, that now more people know of the emergency and urgency of the environmental situation, that education takes time... that we must be patient. What is redundant to the large majorities of peoples around the globe that suffer increasing impoverishment and all kinds of difficulties due to the state of the world as it has been created, is the social and environmental cost of this lack of action, or that we continue to be asked to develop RESILIENCE, ADAPTATION AND MITIGATION TO BE ABLE TO SURVIVE AND TRANSFORM THE DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THESE CENTURIES OLD OF PRACTICES. What do people think we have been doing all these centuries old of all kinds of extractions, brain drainage included?

The reality is that as decisions on the Climate Change and Kyoto are not effectively made here as the conference goes on, decisions are made on all the aspects related to these concerns either directly by decisions and policies enacted by each of the countries belonging to the G20, and the G20 itself, by the markets everyday-- 25 hour a day 8 days a week.? Yes, because those markets are functioning when is 1 am in China on Thursday, while is only Wednesday midday in NY. Decisions are being made on all aspects of peace and real security: food sovereignty, education, mitigation and adaptation, the rights of indigenous peoples, the ever increasing impoverishment of youth, older adults, rural and urban communities, etc, etc. by the financial and economic crisis of the Eurozone, of the USA, of Canada... The advise has come from the IFIs-- the international financial institutions, to expect at least 10 years of recession -- ten years? We know in the Global South that 10 years turns into many more... we are also told that these recession will impact the growth of the emerging markets, for capital must circulate, and the markets will slow down a lot.. so.. the support for the urgent work related to climate change and Kyoto, the MDGs, the SDGs, will not be at the forefront, peoples and nature will pay the price.

So, what is the reason for our being here at COP 18? To hold the hand of  the negotiators? To be a diplomat, to celebrate that we had a word accepted-- never mind if it not be the norm? Are we here to get a little space on the floor for a 3 minute talk --after many hours of waiting, after midnight or when almost everyone has left the floor? Do we ever take the time to dream the dream and figure out the way to bring it to life? Or are we choosing to dance the tune the dance that has been paid for?

BUT ABOUT THE PRESENT AND FUTURE THAT IS NEEDED, BY ALL OF US, AND BY THE PLANET. We urgently need to be about this, and we must define it , and work at home day in and day out, even as we are here, assure that our sisters and brothers are included, for this is about real peace, real security, to assure that we live the plenitude of life.

Abrazos… Marta "

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