donderdag 12 juli 2012

Conferentie "Intersecting Feminisms: Theory, Politics and Activism"

Van 16 tot 18 november organiseert het Women's Studies Centre van de Poolse Lodz University de conferentie "Intersecting Feminisms", met een focus op hoe "intersectionaliteit" of kruispuntdenken ons kan helpen om verschillende vormen van ongelijkheid te begrijpen. Academici én activisten kunnen nog tot en met 15 september een voorstel tot bijdrage insturen.

"Bringing together scholars, students, activists, politicians and artists to critically address interconnections between theory and practice, the conference will reconsider and revaluate the place and role of feminism in contemporary world. It will offer a platform for creative and insightful encounters of various politics of location both Polish and international. Intersectionality has for the past decades gained currency not only as a useful critical tool of analyzing diverse sites of oppression but also as a productive strategy of dealing with everyday exclusionary practices and forms of inequality. Introducing intersectional framework, the conference will, therefore, attempt to respond thematically to the multiple axes of differentiation and consider how they interweave and affect equality."

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